Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. WSWWE 4th Civil /0514/Dec 2016

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Water Supply & Waste  4th Sem Civil/0514/Dec 2016 Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                              15×1=15

  1. The characteristic of water which prevents the leathering of soap is known as hardness.
  2. Salt is the main substance in chloride water.
  3. Alum is use for water purification.   
  4. Disinfection process is done to kill vegetative bacteria from water.
  5. To prevent water to flow back in opposite direction reflux  valve is used.
  6. The lower most surface of underground conduit or drain is known as     
  7. The kitchen waste is called as garbage.
  8. Dry weather flow is also called as sanitary sewage.
  9. The water closet is provided for receiving human excrement.
  10. Lying of sewers is usually done with the help of sight rails and boning rods.
     b) State true or false.

      11.The temperature of potable drinking water should be between 400 to 600.      (True)

      12.Ozone is very efficient disinfectant.                 (True)

      13.Grease trap are used outside kitchens, canteens and motor garages.                (True)

      14.Smoke test is done for drainage pipes located in buildings.                               (False)

      15.Oxidation ponds do not create mosquito nuisance.                                             (False)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. What is wholesome water and what are its requirements?
  2. What are factors which affect Per Capita Demand?
  3. What are various methods of disinfection?
  4. Where inverted syphon is used? Explain with sketch.
  5. What are the various tests for testing the house drainage pipes?
  6. What is population forecasting? Why it is necessary?
  7. Explain advantages and disadvantages of metering system of water supply.
  8. What are the requirements of a good sewer joint?
  9. Write a note on excavation of Trenches.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. Explain the different systems of water distribution with sketch.
  2. Explain different methods of sewage disposal?
  3. What is coagulation? Name various coagulants, which are used in water treatment. Explain dry feeding method of mixing coagulant in water.
  4. Write comparison between slow sand filter and rapid sand filter
  5. What are the requirements of a good trap? Explain different traps in use.

Water Supply & Waste  4th Sem Civil/0514/Dec 2015 Paper

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/Dec 2016 Paper

The characteristic of water which prevents the leathering of soap is known as _____

The characteristic of water which prevents the leathering of soap is known as hardness.

______ is the main substance in chloride water.

Salt is the main substance in chloride water.

Alum is use for ________

Alum is use for water purification.   

Disinfection process is done to kill ________ bacteria

Disinfection process is done to kill vegetative bacteria from water.

To prevent water to flow back in opposite direction _____  valve is used.

To prevent water to flow back in opposite direction reflux valve is used.

The lower most surface of underground conduit or drain is known as _____

The lower most surface of underground conduit or drain is known as   ____

The kitchen waste is called as _______

The kitchen waste is called as garbage.

Dry weather flow is also called as ______

Dry weather flow is also called as sanitary sewage.

The water closet is provided for receiving __________

The water closet is provided for receiving Human Excrement.

Lying of sewers is usually done with the help of _______

Lying of sewers is usually done with the help of sight rails and boning rods.


   b) State true or false.

b) State true or false.

The temperature of potable drinking water should be between 400 to 600. 


Ozone is very efficient disinfectant.


Grease trap are used outside kitchens, canteens and motor garages. 


Smoke test is done for drainage pipes located in buildings. 


Oxidation ponds do not create mosquito nuisance. 


Download Previous Year Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering  PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper Dec 2016 Click Here

Section B :Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/Dec 2015 Paper

What are the different methods of forecasting population? Discuss any one.

Different methods of forecasting population

What is turbidity? What is its importance ?

Turbidity and  its importance 

Define back filing?

Back filing

What are various joints in pipes?

Various joints in pipes?

What are different sources of sewage disposal?

Different sources of sewage disposal

Write a note on the decomposition of sewage ?

Short note on the decomposition of sewage.

Explain testing of sewer?

Testing of sewer

Compare combined and separate system of sewerage ?

Difference Between combined and separate system of sewerage.

Water Supply and Waste Water Engg WSWWE  Civil 4th Semester PSBTE Diploma Solved Dec 2016 Paper Click Here

Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/Dec 2016 Paper

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Section c :- Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/Dec 2015 Paper

Explain the different systems of water distribution with sketch.

Different systems of water distribution

Explain different methods of sewage disposal?

Explain different methods of sewage disposal

What is coagulation? Name various coagulants, which are used in water treatment.


2Name various coagulants, which are used in water treatment.

Explain dry feeding method of mixing coagulant in water.

dry feeding method of mixing coagulant in water.

Write comparison between slow sand filter and rapid sand filter

Comparison between slow sand filter and rapid sand filter

What are the requirements of a good trap? Explain different traps in use.

1.Requirements of a good trap

2.Explain different traps in use.

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